Fashion4Hope: Empowering Through Education

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A beautiful friend of mine Lyndz started Fashion4Hope, a charity in order to support young underprivileged girls in Rwanda complete a college education. This is an issue that is very near and dear to my heart as I believe education is a basic human right. It is what empowers and gives confidence to young women, so they may pursue their dreams and see themselves as equals to their male counterparts. Not less than. To that end, I am proud to be a spokesperson for this organization.

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There are currently 31 million girls of primary school age that are not in school. There are 4 million more girls out of school than boys. There are 774 million illiterate people in the world, and 2/3 are female. To many, these are just numbers on a page, but for 31 million young girls, its a harsh reality. In 2018, statistics like these are unfathomable, and quite simply unacceptable. 

Many of us take our education for granted. We do not appreciate what it affords us, but imagine if you weren’t lucky enough to receive an education. Where would you be? Women are most vulnerable to human trafficking when they are undereducated and poor.

Education has been proven to reduct mortality rates among infants and maternal as they are less likely to die during pregnancy, childbirth, or during the postpartum period. Increased education of girls also leads to more female health care providers to assist with prenatal medical care, labor and delivery, delivery complications and emergencies, and follow-up care.

Receiving an education empowers girls to take control of their lives, their families, and their future. That is why this issue is so important to me. When women are provided with equal rights and equal access to education, they go on to participate in business and economic activity. They have a greater chance of escaping the poverty cycle, leading healthier and more productive lives, and raising the standard of living for their children, families, and communities. Increased earning power and income combat against current and future poverty through feeding, clothing, and providing for entire families.

Fashion4Hope is grateful to partner up with some amazing designers from all over the world who support this cause. We will continue to drive awareness and understanding of this issue and fight to right this grave injustice.

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Fashion4Hope is happy to announce that our first girl has started college. Her name is Shemsa. Stay tuned as we will be giving you more information about her journey. We thank everyone who has been a part of our journey and came to support this cause. We will keep pushing to be the voice of the girls who need us.

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