Nannette de Gaspe - Dry Masks (wtf?)

In honor of Halloween, my favorite holiday, I decided to share my favorite mask of 2018. Nannette de Gaspe Dry Mask Visage. What the heck is a dry mask? Aren’t masks usually a clay based wash off mask? Or perhaps a wet drippy Korean sheet mask? NO. This is major.

Introducing Nannette de Gaspe Dry Mask


This luxurious high performance mask is infused with skincare technology with 81% concentration of active ingredients. A proprietary cocktail of vitamins and nutrients are infused into the skin to restore hydration and revitalize the skin, while improving overall skin texture and tone.

The most amazing thing is that this entire mask is waterless. Which is totally unheard of right? Water… doesn’t really do all that much - in fact it just dilutes the active ingredients. Which is why with this approach, no water is used to act as a filler. Each mask infuses the skin with up to a 90% active ingredient concentration.

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I personally love using these masks on planes. The price point is a bit hard to swallow at $120 PER MASK!! I should add that they say each mask is reusable up to 5x if you’re following their recommendation and masking for 15-20mins each session. However, I can’t bring myself to use that mask on any evening of the night… so I prefer to bust this out on my long haul flights. To Asia or Europe where I’m sitting in dry cabin air for more than 6hours. This mask is AMAZING for flights as it’s dry and won’t drip all over me. I also feel like it blocks the nasty recycled germy air from hitting me directly too. (hey every bit helps!)

The mask is 100% dry to touch - which is a totally bizarre experience when you’re trying it for the first time. You apply this on freshly cleaned face. I was a little skeptical at first cause after washing my face, I like to feel a little moisture. But after applying the mask, lace side up, the biomimetic micro-vectorized ingredient delivery system will start working its magic once your skin heats it up, and start delivering the cocktail of peptide goodness deep into your skin.

It is recommended that you gently massage your face as well, so that the heat from your fingers and face can help accelerate the delivery process. You won’t really feel any tingling, maybe a very slight warmth, but otherwise, nothing. This mask is so soft, not restricting, not difficult to breath, it’s actually quite comfortable. It is very easy to fall asleep with on the plane.

Upon landing, that is when the magic of the mask is revealed. Your skin is perfectly luminous. I mean LUMINOUS! That is a difficult look to pull off after being delayed for 5hours, transfer in Japan, and arrive FINALLY after at 18hour journey to Singapore (true story) you get your luggage and check into the hotel at 4am. I was dead inside - but I looked fresh as a daisy. Sold!

It wasn’t only the tone of my skin that has improved, it was also surprisingly the texture. After removing the mask, you can feel a slight layer of the serum cocktail on your skin. As I rubbed it in, I noticed how amazingly soft my skin felt. The BMV molecule that this mask contains has 2 main functions: to help the active ingredients penetrate deeply into the epidermis and to strengthen and restore. I was definitely impressed as my skin felt so healthy, plump, and restored after such a grueling flight. I should’ve been ragged. But this totally was a lifesaver.

I don’t like the price point though. It pains me to spend that much on a mask that I used one time (6hours on a flight used up everything), so I wanted to see if there was a less expensive alternative. I found that Charlotte Tilbury - another brand I loved just came out with theirs.

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The Charlotte Tilbury one is called the Revolutionary Instant Magic Facial Dry Sheet Mask. This one also features a biomimetic delivery system, and says you can wear it up to 3x for 15-20mins. The concept is the same as Nannette de Gaspe so I was excited to try it. At $22 per mask, it would definitely be a game changer if it delivered the same or comparable results!

The instructions were the same: apply on cleansed skin, and gently massage to warm up the mask and activate the ingredients. Unfortunately, performance fell drastically short of Nannette de Gaspe. The mask felt uncomfortable and tight on the face. It was difficult to breathe, and the fabric wasn’t as soft. It also felt a lot drier in comparison. I think if I had tried this one first, and then Nannette’s, I wouldn’t be disappointed as for the price point, it was perfectly fine. It’s just that now I have such a high bar and expectations that Charlotte Tilbury’s just fell a bit short.

So until I find a comparable replacement, I must cough up the pretty penny to afford Nannette de Gaspe’s Visage Youth Revealed. I swear I will never do another 6+ hour flight again without it - complete lifesaver and flight essential.

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